The Sacred Heart of Christ with Scenes from the Gospels
Photo © Martin Crampin, Imaging the Bible in Wales
Portrait of Christ at the centre, surrounded by scenes in roundels with a decorative, architectural border. At the bottom, the Last Supper is set alongside the Wedding at Cana. Above the Last Supper: the Nativity, Christ among the Doctors of the Law, the entry into Jerusalem and Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Ascension is at the top, and down from the top on the right are the flagellation and mocking of Christ, Christ falling as he carries the cross and the Crucifixion. In the architectural borders are set images of the Virgin and Child and St Joseph holding the Christ-child, as well as roundels of St John the Baptist and the th young Christ, who holds an orb. Angels are also included at the top and bottom.
Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion
Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion
Record added by Martin Crampin. Last updated on 03-04-2012
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This work is indexed under the following main subject(s):
for other works containing these subjects please click on the links.
- adoration of the Christ-child by the shepherds; Mary and Joseph present [Luke 2:16]
- Christ ascends into heaven; apostles (and Mary) beneath [Acts 1:9-11; Luke 24:50-51]
- Christ collapsing - carrying of the cross
- Christ is mocked by soldiers in Pilate's palace [Luke 22:63-65; Mark 15:16-20; Matthew 27:27-31; John 19:2-3]
- Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple [Luke 2:46-50]
- crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene [Matthew 27:45-58; Mark 15:33-45; Luke 23:44-52; John 19:25-38]
- entry into Jerusalem: people spreading their clothes before Christ on the ass, and waving palm branches [Matthew 21:1-11; Matthew 21:14-16; Mark 11:12-14; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19]
- flagellation by soldiers, Christ usually tied to a column - tortures of Christ [Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; John 19:1]
- Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, 'Oelberg': Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane during the night [Matthew 26:37-45; Mark 14:33-41; Luke 22:40-46]
- St John the Baptist as a child
- the Last Supper [Matthew 26:21-35; Mark 14:18-31; Luke 22:15-23; John 13:21-38]
- the marriage-feast at Cana [John 2:1-11]
- the Sacred Heart
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Click to show suggested citation for this record
Martin Crampin (ed.), Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth, 2012. (accessed 10 March 2025) (accessed 10 March 2025)
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