Moses with the Ten Commandments
detail from Christ in Majesty with Scenes from the Bible

  Moses with the Ten Commandments    detail from    Christ in Majesty with Scenes from the Bible

Photo © Martin Crampin, Imaging the Bible in Wales


Pair of two-light windows with central top roundel of Christ in Majesty. The left-hand pair depict four scenes with Moses (before the burning bush and with the ten commandments) and Elijah (offering the sacrifice on Mount Carmel and being fed by ravens). The right-hand pair show Christ calling Matthew, an angel inspiring Matthew to write his gospel, Paul preaching in Athens and Ananias restoring Saul's sight.

firm/studio: Mayer & Co.

Bangor Cathedral, Bangor, Gwynedd
south wall of the south transept

Texts: 'I will send you into Egypt' (Acts 7:34); 'The Law was given by Moses' (John 1:17); 'The God that answereth by fire, let him be God' (1 Kings 18:24); 'I have commanded the ravens to feed thee' (1 Kings 17:4); 'Follow Me' (Matthew 9:9, Mark 2:14, Luke 5:27); 'All scripture is given by inspiration of God' (2 Timothy 3:16); 'Whom you ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you' (Acts 17:23); 'The God of our fathers has chosen thee' (Acts 22:14).

Given in memory of Henry Thomas Edwards, Dean of Bangor 1876-1884, by Elizabeth Atcherley Symes. The donor also provided the reredos in the cathedral, and was the benefactor of the Church of St David Glanadda, Bangor. There she paid for the reredos and east and west windows, also made by Mayer & Co.

Record added by Martin Crampin. Last updated on 11-09-2015


For other views of this work click on the image(s) below:

Christ in Majesty with Scenes from the BibleMoses with the Ten Commandments and God Sending Fire Down on Elijah's Sacrifice: Christ in Majesty with Scenes from the BibleMoses with the Burning Bush and Elijah Fed by Ravens: Christ in Majesty with Scenes from the BibleThe Calling of Matthew and Ananias Restoring Saul's Sight: Christ in Majesty with Scenes from the BibleMoses with the Burning Bush: Christ in Majesty with Scenes from the BibleElijah Fed by Ravens: Christ in Majesty with Scenes from the Bible

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Martin Crampin (ed.), Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth, 2015. (accessed 10 March 2025)

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