1154the gate of heaven, entrance to heaven, 'porta coeli'
11B1*AShield of the Trinity (Scutum Fidei)
11B112three interlocked circles - Trinity
11B3Holy Trinity in which one, two or all figures are represented in human shape
11B3231Trinity in which God the Father and Christ are represented as persons, the Holy Ghost as dove - God the Father holding the crucifix
11C11the all-seeing eye, triangle with eye - symbol of God the Father
11C12hand, 'Dextera Dei' ~ symbol of God the Father
11C16alpha and omega - symbol of God the Father
11C23God the Father as bearded old man, usually with crown or tiara or sceptre and/or globe
11D112Chrismon and derived forms - symbol of Christ
11D113IHS ('Iesus Hominum Salvator') - symbol of Christ
11D114'Ichthys' - symbol of Christ
11D121cross as symbol of Christ
11D123(CELTIC)Celtic wheel cross - the cross - symbols of Christ
11D123(FLOWERING)living, or flowering cross - symbols of Christ
11D131(PELICAN)Pelican in her Piety
11D1311lamb bearing cross or banner, 'Agnus Dei' - symbol of Christ
11D2Christ as child or youth (in general)
11D26Christ as youth
11D3Christ as adult - not in biblical context
11D32*A\'I stand at the door and knock\': image derived from William Holman Hunt\'s \'The Light of the World\'
11D32*BStanding figure of the Risen Christ in Glory, sometimes with mandorla, perhaps with arms raised or outstretched.
11D321'Majestas Domini': Christ in mandorla seated on a rainbow or sphere
11D321*A'Majestas Domini': Christ in mandorla standing on a rainbow or sphere
11D322Christ enthroned - eg 'Christus Rex', as judge
11D3221'Pantocrator', Christ enthroned, making a speaking or blessing gesture and holding a book
11D3221*AChrist in majesty, making a speaking or blessing gesture and holding a book (standing figure)
11D3223*AChrist as (heavenly) judge - standing figure
11D324'Salvator Mundi', making a blessing gesture; an orb in his hand or at his feet
11D3251Christ with chalice, and bread or Host
11D327*AChrist as the sower - particular types of adult Christ - human occupations
11D3271Christ as Good Shepherd
11D3278Christ as pilgrim
11D33*Aadult Christ receiving the dead into heaven
11D334adult Christ together with apostles, evangelists, saints, etc.
11D334*AChrist with Mary and John - adult Christ together with apostles, evangelists, saints, etc.
11D351Crucified Christ suffering (with crown of thorns)
11D351*ACrucified Christ suffering (without the crown of thorns)
11D353crucified Christ (in non-narrative context): Christ triumphing (with crown, head usually upright)
11D355Christ crucified on a tree or on a vine
11D422the Sacred Heart
11DD3Christ as adult - Christ beardless
11DD324'Salvator Mundi', making a blessing gesture; an orb in his hand or at his feet - DD - Christ beardless
11DD3251Christ with chalice, and bread or Host - Christ beardless
11DD3271Christ as Good Shepherd - Christ beardless
11E1Holy Ghost represented as a dove
11E3Holy Ghost represented in human shape
11E5the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost
11E544'Fortitudo', Fortitude - one of the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost
11F11*AFlowers of the Virgin Mary - symbols of Mary
11F21Mary as child
11F23upright figures of Mary without the Christ-child
11F232\'Immaculata\', \'Purisima\': Mary, usually standing on a crescent moon, descending from heaven, exempt from original sin (sometimes trampling serpent)
11F234pregnant Mary, Christ-child visible
11F241Our Lady of the Sorrows
11F252*AMary's heart pierced by a sword
11F3*AMary, together with others, kneeling in adoration of Christ
11F32Mary together with mortals, who adore her, or implore her to help
11F41Madonna: Mary standing (or half-length), Christ-child close to her bosom
11F42Madonna: Mary sitting or enthroned, the Christ-child in her lap
11F42(+5)Madonna: Mary sitting or enthroned, the Christ-child in her lap (+ donor(s), supplicant(s), whether or not with patron saint(s))
11F4221Mary sitting or enthroned, the Christ-child standing on her knee (Christ-child to Mary's left)
11F44Madonna: Mary (standing) with the Christ-child free-standing (or leaning against her)
11F453Mary kneeling (on the ground), the Christ-child lying in front of her
11F726Christ-child suckling, or beginning to suckle
11F741John the Baptist as child - Madonna-representations
11F82*AOur Lady of Lourdes - appearances of Mary
11F91sacred heart of Mary
11G18the seven Archangels
11G181group of four Archangels
11G182group of three canonical Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
11G183the Archangel Michael
11G184the Archangel Gabriel
11G185the Archangel Raphael
11G186(BARACHIEL)other archangels than Michael, Gabriel and Raphael: Barachiel
11G186(JEHUDIEL)other archangels than Michael, Gabriel and Raphael: Jehudiel
11G186(URIEL)other archangels than Michael, Gabriel and Raphael: Uriel
11G31the Archangel Michael fighting the dragon (devil, Satan)
11G32the Archangel Michael (and other angels) casting the rebel angels out of heaven
11H(AELHAIARN)St Aelhaiarn
11H(AFAN)St Afan
11H(ALBAN)St Alban, British Saint and Martyr
11H(ALBAN)6martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of St Alban
11H(ALOYSIUS GONZAGA)the Jesuit friar Aloysius Gonzaga
11H(AMBROSE)Ambrose, bishop of Milan; possible attributes: beehive, cradle with baby, three-knotted scourge
11H(ANDREW)the apostle Andrew
11H(ANTONY OF PADUA)the Franciscan monk Antony of Padua
11H(ANTONY OF PADUA)51to convince a Jew, St Antony of Padua leads an ass before the chalice and host; the ass kneels down
11H(ASAPH)St Asaph
11H(AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY)Augustine of Canterbury
11H(AUGUSTINE)Augustine, bishop of Hippo
11H(AUGUSTINE)2early life of St. Augustine
11H(BARNABAS)the apostle and martyr Barnabas of Cyprus, first bishop of Milan
11H(BARTHOLOMEW)the apostle Bartholomew
11H(BASIL THE GREAT)Basil the Great (Basilius Magnus), bishop of Caesarea
11H(BENEDICT)Benedict of Nurcia, abbot of Monte Cassino and founder of the Benedictine Order
11H(BERNARD)Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian monk and abbot
11H(BEUNO)St Beuno
11H(BODFAN)St Bodfan
11H(BONAVENTURA)Bonaventura, cardinal bishop of Albano and Minister General of the Franciscan Order
11H(BOTOLPH)St Botolph
11H(BRYCHAN)Brychan Brycheiniog
11H(BRYNACH)St Brynach
11H(BUAN)St Buan, confessor
11H(CADFAN)St Cadfan, abbot of Bardsey
11H(CADMARCH)St Cadmarch
11H(CADOG)St Cadog
11H(CARADOG)St Caradog
11H(CARANNOG)St Carannog
11H(CENNYDD)St Cennydd
11H(CHAD)St Chad
11H(CHARLES BORROMEO)Charles Borromeo, cardinal of Milan
11H(CHRISTOPHER)the giant and martyr Christophorus
11H(CHRISTOPHER)51St. Christopher, with the infant Christ on his shoulders, wading through the water and carrying his staff (palm-tree)
11H(CHRYSANTHUS)St Chrysanthus
11H(CLEMENT)Clement I, pope and martyr
11H(COLLEN)St Collen
11H(COLUMBA)St. Columba
11H(CONSTANTINE)the Roman emperor Constantine the Great
11H(CURIG)St Curig
11H(CYBI)St Cybi
11H(CYFELACH)St Cyfelach
11H(CYNDEYRN)St Cyndeyrn, or Kentigern
11H(CYNIDR)St Cynidr
11H(CYNOG)St Cynog
11H(CYNWYL)St Cynwyl
11H(DAVID LEWIS)St David Lewis
11H(DAVID)St David
11H(DEINIOL)St Deiniol
11H(DEMETRIUS)St Demetrius
11H(DENYS)St Denys of France
11H(DIGAIN)St Digain
11H(DOGFAN)St Dogfan
11H(DOGMAEL)St Dogmael
11H(DONAT)St Donat
11H(DUNAWD)St Dunawd
11H(DYFRIG)St Dyfrig, St Dubricius
11H(EDMUND)Edmund, king of East Anglia and martyr; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cross, crown, sceptre
11H(EDWARD)Edward the Confessor (1003x5-1066)
11H(EDWARD)511St. Edward the Confessor gives his ring to St. John the Evangelist, who is disguised as a beggar
11H(ELFAN)St Elfan
11H(ELFOD)St Elfod (Elbotus)
11H(ELIAN)St Elian
11H(ELIDAN)St Elidan
11H(EUDDOGWY)St Euddogwy or Oudoceus
11H(FIDELIS)the Franciscan and Capuchin friar and martyr, Fidelis of Sigmaringen
11H(FRANCIS)founder of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Francis(cus) of Assisi
11H(GEORGE)the warrior martyr George (Georgius)
11H(GEORGE)41St. George and the dragon
11H(GERMANUS)St. Germanus of Auxerre
11H(GILDAS)St Gildas
11H(GILES)St Giles
11H(GREGORY THE ENLIGHTENER)Gregory the Enlightener, or Illuminator, apostle of Armenia
11H(GREGORY)pope Gregory the Great; possible attributes: dove, emperor Trajan
11H(GUDWAL)St Gudwal
11H(GWYNAN)St Gwynan
11H(GWYNHOEDL)St Gwynhoedl
11H(GWYNLLYW)St Gwynllyw
11H(HUGH OF LINCOLN)the Carthusian monk and bishop of Lincoln, Hugh (Hugo)
11H(IDLOES)St Idloes
11H(IGNATIUS)the founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola
11H(ILLTUD)St Illtud
11H(ISSELL)St Issell, or Usyllt
11H(JAMES THE GREAT)the apostle James the Great
11H(JAMES THE LESS)the apostle James the Less, first bishop of Jerusalem
11H(JEROME)the monk and hermit Jerome (Hieronymus)
11H(JOHN CHRYSOSTOM)the archbishop of Constantinople, John Chrysostom
11H(JOHN LLOYD)St John Lloyd
11H(JOHN OF THE CROSS)the Carmelite friar and mystic John of the Cross
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST)John the Baptist
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST)2John the Baptist as a child
11H(JOHN)the apostle John the Evangelist
11H(JOHN)12St. John the Evangelist writing the Gospel, usually the eagle present
11H(JOSEPH OF ARIMATHAEA)the Jewish councillor Joseph of Arimathaea
11H(JOSEPH)the foster-father of Christ, Joseph of Nazareth; possible attributes: flowering rod or wand, lily, carpenter\'s tools
11H(JOSEPH)11St. Joseph as foster-father of Christ, holding the child in his arms or leading him by the hand
11H(JUDE THADDAEUS)the apostle Jude Thaddaeus; possible attributes: book, club, halberd, scroll
11H(JUDOC)the hermit Judoc
11H(JULIAN)Julian the Hospitaller (Julian(us) Hospitator)
11H(JUSTINIAN)St Justinian
11H(LAURENCE)the martyr and deacon Laurence of Rome; possible attributes: book, censer, cross, dalmatic, gridiron, palm, purse (or cup with golden coins)
11H(LLEUDDAD)St Lleuddad, abbot of Bardsey
11H(LLWCHAIARN)St Llwchaiarn
11H(LONGINUS)the soldier Longinus (the centurion) of Caesarea
11H(LUKE)Luke the evangelist
11H(LUKE)12St. Luke writing his gospel, usually a (winged) ox present
11H(LUKE)121St. Luke writing his gospel, St. Paul present
11H(MADOG)St Madog, or St Aidan of Ferns
11H(MAEL)St Mael
11H(MAELOG)St Maelog
11H(MAGLORIUS)St Maglorius
11H(MARK)Mark (Marcus) the evangelist, and bishop of Alexandria
11H(MARK)12St. Mark the evangelist writing the Gospel, usually a (winged) lion present
11H(MARK)121St. Mark writing the Gospel, Peter present
11H(MARTIN)Martin(us), bishop of Tours
11H(MARTIN)41St. Martin divides his cloak (i.e. the charity of St. Martin)
11H(MATTHEW)the apostle and evangelist Matthew (Mattheus)
11H(MATTHEW)12St. Matthew writing the Gospel, usually the angel present, dictating or assisting him
11H(MATTHIAS)the apostle and martyr Matthias; possible attributes: axe, book, cross, halberd, scroll, sword
11H(MAURICE)the (negro-)warrior Maurice (Mauritius) of Agaunum, commander of the Theban Legion, and martyr;
11H(NICHOLAS)the bishop Nicholas of Myra (or Bari)
11H(OSWALD)Oswald, king of Northumbria and martyr
11H(PADARN)St Padarn
11H(PATRICK)St Patrick
11H(PAUL)the apostle Paul of Tarsus
11H(PAUL)12St. Paul writing his epistles
11H(PAULINUS)St Paulinus
11H(PEBLIG)St Peblig
11H(PERIS)St Peris
11H(PETER)the apostle Peter, first bishop of Rome
11H(PETROG)St Petrog
11H(PHILIP EVANS)St Philip Evans
11H(PHILIP)the apostle Philip; possible attributes: book, cross, dish with snake, lance, scroll, stone, sword
11H(POTENTINUS)St Potentinus
11H(RHIDIAN)St Rhidian
11H(RHYCHWYN)St Rhychwyn
11H(RHYSTUD)St Rhystud
11H(RICHARD GWYN)Richard Gwyn, Catholic martyr (1536-1584)
11H(SAMSON)St Samson
11H(SANNAN)Senan, bishop and confessor
11H(SEBASTIAN)621St. Sebastian pierced by arrows, the archers visible - martyrdom of Sebastian
11H(SEIRIOL)St Seiriol
11H(SIMEON)Simeon Christophorus (the Just, the Grey)
11H(SIMON)the apostle Simon Zelotes (or Simon the Canaanite); possible attributes: book, saw, scroll
11H(STEPHEN)the deacon and (proto)martyr Stephen
11H(SULIEN)St Sulien
11H(SWITHUN)St Swithun
11H(TADIOC)St Tadioc
11H(TEGWELL)St Tegwell
11H(TEGWYN)St Tegwyn
11H(TEILO)St Teilo
11H(THEODORE)St Theodore
11H(THOMAS BECKET)the martyr Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury
11H(THOMAS BECKET)68before the altar St Thomas Becket is killed with a sword by four assassins (knights)
11H(THOMAS)the apostle Thomas
11H(TIMOTHY)2Timothy - early life of male saint
11H(TRILLO)St Trilo
11H(TWROG)St Twrog
11H(TYDECHO)St Tydecho
11H(TYDECHO)6martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of St. Tydecho
11H(TYRNOG)St Tyrnog
11H(TYSILIO)St Tysilio
11H(VALENTINE)St Valentine
11HH(AGNES)the virgin martyr Agnes of Rome; possible attributes: lamb, ring
11HH(AGNES)63an angel brings St Agnes a white cloak (or surrounds her with a shining light)
11HH(AGNES)65St Agnes tied to the stake remains unharmed; the executioners are consumed by the fire
11HH(ANNA THE PROPHETESS)Anna (prophetess)
11HH(ANNA)Anna, mother of Mary; possible attributes: book, Christ-child, lily, Virgin Mary
11HH(APOLLONIA)the virgin martyr Apollonia of Alexandria
11HH(BARBARA)the virgin martyr Barbara
11HH(BRIGID)the abbess of Kildare, Brigid (Bridget) of Ireland
11HH(CAIN)St Cain
11HH(CATHERINE OF SIENA)the virgin and Dominican Tertiary, Catherine of Siena
11HH(CATHERINE)the virgin martyr Catherine of Alexandria
11HH(CATHERINE)34the mystic marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria with the infant Christ: the Christ-child puts a ring on her finger
11HH(CATHERINE)68St Catherine of Alexandria is beheaded
11HH(CECILIA)the virgin martyr Cecilia of Rome
11HH(CEINWEN)St Ceinwen
11HH(CLARE)the virgin and foundress of the Order of Minoresses (or Poor Clares), Clare of Assisi
11HH(DOROTHEA)the virgin martyr Dorothea of Caesarea
11HH(EILIWEDD)the virgin martyr Eliwedd, Alud or Almedha
11HH(ELISABETH OF HUNGARY)St Elisabeth of Hungary - the wife and widow of the Landgrave of Thuringia, and Franciscan Tertiary
11HH(ELIZABETH)Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist
11HH(ELLI)St Elli
11HH(EMILY)St Emily
11HH(ERFYL)St Erfyl
11HH(EUNICE)Eunice, mother of Timothy
11HH(FRANCES)the widow and foundress of the Oblates of Tor de' Specchi, Frances of Rome (Francesca Romana)
11HH(FRIDESWIDE)St Frideswide
11HH(GERTRUDE OF NIVELLES)the abbess Gertrude of Nivelles; possible attributes: book, pastoral staff, crown, cup, demon, mouse or mice, model of church or hospital, palm, (healing) well
11HH(GERTRUDE)the Cistercian nun (and abbess) Gertrude the Great of Helfta
11HH(GWENDOLINE)St Gwendoline
11HH(GWENFAEN)St Gwenfaen
11HH(GWENOG)St Gwenog
11HH(GWLADYS)St Gwladys
11HH(HELEN)St Helen
11HH(HILDA)St Hilda
11HH(JOAN OF ARC)Joan of Arc
11HH(LLYR)St Llyr
11HH(LUCY)the virgin martyr Lucy (Lucia) of Syracuse
11HH(LYDIA)Lydia, seller of purple
11HH(MACHES)St Maches
11HH(MARCHELL)St Marchell
11HH(MARGARET OF SCOTLAND)Margaret of Scotland
11HH(MARGARET)the virgin martyr Margaret of Antioch
11HH(MARTHA)the patroness of housewives, Martha of Bethany; possible attributes: aspergillum, broom, bunch of keys, dragon, ladle
11HH(MARY CLEOPHAS)Mary Cleophas
11HH(MARY MAGDALENE OF FLORENCE)Mary Magdalene of Florence
11HH(MARY MAGDALENE)the penitent harlot Mary Magdalene
11HH(MELANGELL)St Melangell
11HH(MONICA)St Monica
11HH(NON)St Non
11HH(PERPETUA & FELICITAS)the martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas (Felicity) of Carthage
11HH(THERESA)the foundress of the reformed (Discalced) Carmelites, Theresa of Avila; possible attributes: angel, arrow, dove, heart (flaming or pierced by an arrow)
11HH(THERESE)St Therese of Lisieux
11HH(TUDFUL)St Tudful
11HH(URSULA)St Ursula
11HH(WINEFRIDE)St Winefride, St Gwenfrewy
11I11the four major prophets (not in biblical context): Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel
11I3the twelve apostles (as a group), usually with books or scrolls (not in biblical context)
11I31symbolic representations of the twelve apostles, e.g.: twelve doves, twelve lambs
11I41the four evangelists together (author portraits)
11I42the four symbols of the evangelists, \'the apocalyptic beasts\'
11I421eagle (possibly with book) - symbol of St. John
11I422ox (possibly with book) - symbol of St. Luke
11I423lion (possibly with book) ~ symbol of St. Mark
11I424angel (possibly with book) - symbol of St. Matthew
11I51the four Latin (Western) Fathers of the Church together: Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine and Gregory the Great.
11I52the four Greek (Eastern) Fathers of the Church together: Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, John Chrysostom and Athanasius the Great
11I61121the twelve tribes of Israel (not in biblical context)
11I62(AARON)Aaron (not in biblical context)
11I62(ABRAHAM)Abraham (not in biblical context)
11I62(ADAM & EVE)Adam and Eve (not in biblical context)
11I62(ADAM)Adam (not in biblical context)
11I62(DANIEL)Daniel (not in biblical context)
11I62(DAVID)David (not in biblical context); possible attributes: crown, harp
11I62(DAVID)32David as musician, usually playing the harp
11I62(ELIJAH)Elijah (not in biblical context)
11I62(EZEKIEL)Ezekiel (not in biblical context)
11I62(GIDEON)Gideon (not in biblical context)
11I62(ISAIAH)the prophet Isaiah (not in biblical context)
11I62(JACOB)Jacob (not in biblical context)
11I62(JEREMIAH)the prophet Jeremiah (not in biblical context)
11I62(JESSE)Jesse - father of David
11I62(MELCHIZEDEK)Melchizedek (not in biblical context); possible attributes: priestly garments, crown or mitre
11I62(MICAH)the prophet Micah (not in biblical context)
11I62(MOSES)Moses (not in biblical context)
11I62(NATHAN)Nathan (not in biblical context)
11I62(NOAH)Noah (not in biblical context)
11I62(REHOBOAM)Rehoboam, king of Judah
11I62(SOLOMON)Solomon (not in biblical context); possible attributes of Solomon: crown, sceptre, sword
11I62(ZADOK)Zadok (not in biblical context)
11I62(ZECHARIAH)the prophet Zechariah (not in biblical context)
11I63(BATHSHEBA)Bathsheba (not in biblical context)
11I63(JOCHEBED)Jochebed, the mother of Moses
11I72(CORNELIUS)Cornelius (not in biblical context)
11I72(ZACHARIAS)Zacharias, father of John the Baptist
11I73(DORCAS)Dorcas (not in Biblical context)
11I73(LOIS)Lois, grandmother to Timothy
11I73(PHOEBE)Phoebe, deacon of Cenchrea
11L211the ten commandments represented together on stone tablets
11M3The Three Theological Virtues - faith, hope and charity
11M31Faith - one of the Three Theological Virtues
11M33Charity - one of the Three Theological Virtues
11M44Justice, \'Justitia\'; \'Giustitia divina\' (Ripa) ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues
11P118\'Ecclesia\' and \'Synagoga\', Church and Synagogue
11P31131(CROSIER)crosier – insignia of bishop
11P31131(MITRE)mitre – insignia of bishop
11P3151abbey, monastery, convent - Roman Catholic church
11P44331execution of heretic, e.g. by burning at the stake
11Q2(private) prayer
11Q22aids for prayer: rosary
11Q51reading the Bible or other religious books
11Q511the Bible as a book
11Q651crucifix - personal devotion
11Q711building of church
11Q712church (exterior)
11Q712*Amodel of a church held by saint or donor figure
11Q7129ruin of church, monastery, etc
11Q71423altarcross, crucifix
11Q71428censer - liturgical equipment of the church
11Q71483*Achurch bell (portable)
11Q73124marriage - Protestant service
11Q732the seven Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church
11Q7321baptism, christening ceremony - the first of the seven sacraments
11Q73214baptismal font
11Q7322confirmation - the second of the seven sacraments
11Q7324the Eucharist - the fourth of the seven sacraments
11Q73241the Eucharist - chalice bearing the Host
11Q7441*ATe Deum Laudamus (Ambrosian Hymn)
11Q75711choir (in church)
11S15heaven represented as a city
11U11representation of Last Judgement, with the archangel Michael weighing the souls (or dividing the blessed and the damned)
11Vthe (seven) Acts of Mercy - from Matthew 25
11V1feeding the hungry - one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy
11V3sheltering strangers, 'hospes colligitur' - one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy
11V4clothing the naked - one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy
11V5visiting the sick - one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy
24Asun as celestial body
24Bmoon as celestial body
25F(+36)shell, snail-shell etc.
25F23(BADGER)beasts of prey, predatory animals: badger
25F24(BOAR)boar - hoofed animals
25F24(DEER)hoofed animals: deer
25F24(STAG)hoofed animals: stag
25F26(HARE)hare - rodents
25F26(RABBIT)rabbit - rodents
25F35(PEACOCK)peacock - ornamental birds
25F36(SWAN)water-birds: swan
25F37(CORMORANT)cormorant- shore-birds and wading-birds
25F44tortoises, turtles
25F711(BUTTERFLY)insects: butterfly
25FF241unicorn - fabulous animals
25FF3(PHOENIX)fabulous animals - birds: phoenix
25FF422dragon (large fabulous serpent, sometimes with wings and legs)
25G3(PALM-TREE)*Apalm tree branch
25H13coast - landscape
25H2landscapes with waters, waterscapes, seascapes (in the temperate zone)
25I1city-view in general, landscape with city or town
25I5landscape with tower or castle
31A211(human) skull
31A2522hands folded
34B11(DOG)dog - domestic animal
42A3mother and baby or young child
43A31merry-go-round, roundabout; chair o'plane
43C(+311)receiving prize or crown of honours
44B191crown (symbol of sovereignty)
44B192sceptre, staff (symbol of sovereignty)
44B193orb (symbol of sovereignty; sphere with cross on top)
45Bthe soldier; the soldier\'s life
45C13(SWORD)hacking and thrusting weapons: sword
45C16(CANNON)firearms: cannon
45C19(SHIELD)protective weapons: shield
46A15the poor
46B311coin - money
46C13141horse - animal mounts
46C13142ass, donkey
46C1441four-wheeled vehicle drawn by one animal
46C15111freight train
46C15112passenger train
46C24sailing-ship, sailing-boat
47I111cereal, grain, corn (grass with grains, grown for food, e.g.: wheat, rice, rye, oats, maize, buckwheat, millet)
47I131sowing - agriculture
47I2213shepherd\'s crook
47Kcommercial fishery
48C731string instruments (bowed)
48C7321lyre, cithara, psaltery
48C7334organ - keyboard instruments
48C7352horn, trumpet, cornet, trombone, tuba
49Bscholastic education, tuition
49MM32book open
54A8(+123)Courage, Bravery, Valiance, Manliness (abstract concept represented by clothed male figure)
57A611(+123)Frankness, Loyalty (abstract concept represented by clothed male figure)
61B2(ALFRED THE GREAT)King Alfred the Great (848/9-899)
61B2(EDMWND PRYS)Edmwnd Prys, Anglican priest
61B2(EDWARD I)King Edward I (1239-1307)
61B2(EDWARD THE BLACK PRINCE)Edward the Black Prince, Prince of Wales (1330-1376)
61B2(EDWARD VII)King Edward VII (1841-1910)
61B2(ELEUTHERIUS)Pope Eleutherius, Bishop of Rome
61B2(GERALD OF WALES)Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis)
61B2(GIROLAMO SAVONAROLA)Girolamo Savonarola
61B2(HENRY DE GOWER)Bishop Henry de Gower
61B2(HENRY PARRY LIDDON)Henry Parry Liddon - Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral
61B2(HENRY V)King Henry V of England
61B2(HUGH LATIMER)Bishop Hugh Latimer
61B2(LOUIS IX)Louis IX of France, St Louis
61B2(LUCIUS)Lucius, British king
61B2(PABO)Pabo, early British king
61B2(RICHARD I)King Richard I of England
61B2(VENERABLE BEDE)the Venerable Bede
61BB2(FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE)Florence Nightingale
61F(BANGOR CATHEDRAL)Bangor Cathedral
61F(BODELWYDDAN CASTLE)Bodelwyddan Castle
61F(BRECON CATHEDRAL)Brecon Cathedral
61F(DOUAI ABBEY)Douai Abbey
61F(LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL)Lichfield Cathedral
61F(LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL)Llandaff Cathedral
61F(NEATH ABBEY)Neath Abbey
61F(NEATH COPPER WORKS)Neath Copper Works
61F(OYSTERMOUTH CASTLE)Oystermouth Castle
61F(ST ASAPH CATHEDRAL)St Asaph's Cathedral, Denbighshire
61F(ST DAVIDS CATHEDRAL)St Davids Cathedral, Pembrokeshire
71A532Eve reproved by God; Eve blames the serpent
71A814Abel offering (alone) - the sacrifice of Cain and Abel
71B3story of Noah
71B3311the ark floating on the waters (destruction of mankind not visible) - story of Noah
71B33111the ark - story of Noah
71B33221the dove returns with an olive-branch - story of Noah
71C117the meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek, the high priest and king of Salem, who brings bread and wine
71C1272Sarah suckling Isaac
71C13the sacrifice of Isaac
71C13131when Abraham has his hand raised to kill Isaac, God or the hand of God restrains Abraham's hand - the sacrifice of Isaac
71C1322Sarah's burial in the cave of Machpelah
71C3121the dream of Jacob: while sleeping on the ground with a stone for pillow Jacob sees a ladder reaching from earth to heaven with angels going up and down
71E1123Moses is exposed in the ark on the banks of the Nile; Miriam, Moses' sister, keeps watch
71E1124the finding of Moses: Pharaoh's daughter comes to bathe with her maidens in the river and discovers the child floating on the water
71E1142the burning bush - calling of Moses
71E11422Moses, kneeling before the bush and hiding his face, listens to God - calling of Moses
71E122the Exodus - passage through the Red Sea
71E1232Miriam takes up a tambourine and dances; all the women follow her - journey of Israel to Mount Sinai
71E1263*Awater pours from the rock - Moses striking water from the rock
71E1343Moses receives the tables of the law from God
71E1374Moses comes down with the new tablets and is awaited by Aaron and the assembled people, who notice that 'his face is shining'
71E324the brazen serpent
71F64Ruth in the field of Boaz
71F8132Samuel in the temple at Shiloh presented to Eli by Hannah
71H115Samuel anointing David in the presence of his father Jesse and his brothers
71H116David as shepherd
71H116*ADavid slaying the lion and bear - David as shepherd
71H1443David beheads Goliath with a sword - David fighting Goliath
71H1451David brings Goliath's head to Saul
71H151David and Jonathan, son of Saul, become friends
71H23when Saul comes out of the cave, David calls him, falls down on his knees and shows him the piece of cloth - David at En-gedi
71H332David and his men weep for the death of Saul and Jonathan, and tear their clothes - story of Saul's death
71H5263three of David's heroes draw water out of the well of Bethlehem, during their stay in the cave Adullam; David pours the water out - the wars of David
71H88321Solomon anointed king by Zadok and Nathan; all the people rejoice and blow their trumpets
71H93David's prayer of thanks
71I432temple of Solomon
71I432121Solomon supervising the work - the building of the temple of Solomon
71M12Elijah fed by the raven(s): while the prophet is living by the brook, ravens bring him food - story of Elijah
71M4321as Elijah prays, God sends fire which burns up not only his sacrifice but also the altar itself; the people fall prostrate - story of Elijah - Elijah defies the priests of Baal
71M84the ascension of Elijah: a chariot, horses of fire and a whirlwind appear and Elijah is carried up into heaven; Elijah\'s cloak falls (or he hands it over to Elisha)
71N162Naaman comes to the Jordan, dips himself seven times and is cured
71O321in the temple filled with smoke, the Lord sits on a throne; above it angels, each one with six wings - Isaiah's visions
71P1342Benedicite: the prayer of the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace
71T5the journey to Ecbatana - the book of Tobit
71X1(PS.107)Psalm 107
73A(MARY)series of scenes from the life of Mary
73A141naming of John the Baptist; Zacharias writing John's name
73A21tree of Jesse: genealogical tree showing Christ's ancestors, sprouting from Jesse's loins
73A2332annunciation of the birth of Mary to Joachim by an angel
73A2341annunciation of the birth of Mary to Anna by an angel
73A235meeting of Anna and Joachim at the Golden Gate; they usually embrace or kiss each other (immaculate conception of Mary)
73A2353Joachim's thank-offering for Anna's pregnancy
73A31birth of Mary
73A331Anna teaching Mary to read
73A34dedication (or presentation) of Mary in the temple: she ascends the steps and is received by the high priest
73A4241Joseph at work in his carpenter\'s workshop
73A52the Annunciation: Mary, usually reading, is visited by the angel
73A6the Visitation
73A64Mary magnifying the Lord (\'Magnificat\')
73B125Mary and Joseph find shelter in a stable - story of the birth of Christ
73B13Mary, Joseph and the new-born Christ (Nativity)
73B13*AMary and the new-born Christ (Nativity) without Joseph
73B14The annunciation of Christ\'s birth to the shepherds (and/or shepherdesses) at night; a host of singing angels in the air
73B141the shepherds go to Bethlehem - the birth of Christ
73B25adoration of the Christ-child by the shepherds; Mary and Joseph present
73B25*Aadoration of the Virgin and Christ-child by the shepherds, Joseph not present
73B4presentation of the Christ-child in the temple, usually Simeon and Anna present
73B42Simeon, holding the Christ-child, sings his canticle: 'Nunc dimittis'
73B5the story of the three Wise Men (kings or Magi)
73B57adoration of the kings: the Wise Men present their gifts to the Christ-child (gold, frankincense and myrrh)
73B64flight into Egypt and miracles during the journey
73B69the Holy Family (and sometimes others) returning to Israel
73B721Joseph with the Christ-child (and Mary) in his carpenter's workshop - daily life in Nazareth
73B732Mary teaches the Christ-child to read
73B81Holy Family (alone), 'Trinitas terrestris'
73B821Holy Family with John the Baptist (as child)
73B831Mary and the Christ-child with John the Baptist (as child)
73B93Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple
73B931Christ found by his parents - Christ\'s dispute with the doctors in the temple
73C11John the Baptist preaching (perhaps Christ among the bystanders)
73C113John the Baptist identifies Christ as the Lamb of God (\'Ecce Agnus Dei\')
73C121baptism of Christ in the river Jordan: John the Baptist pouring out water on Christ's head: the Holy Ghost descends
73C121*AChrist alone as the Holy Ghost descends - baptism of Christ in the river Jordan
73C1333the beheading of John the Baptist
73C1335Salome gives the head of John the Baptist to her mother
73C313Christ rebuking the winds
73C323Peter steps out of the boat and tries to walk on the water towards Christ - story of Christ walking on the water
73C324Christ saves Peter from drowning
73C33the miraculous draught of fishes (before the Resurrection) on the Lake of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee); James and John helping to bring in the nets
73C4miracles of Christ - healing the sick
73C411Christ healing a blind man at Bethsaida
73C412healing of a man born blind: Christ touches his eyes with an 'ointment' of dust and spittle
73C414healing of two blind men, or one (Bartimaeus), sitting near Jericho - miracles of Christ
73C423the centurion of Capernaum, kneeling before Christ, begs him to heal his paralytic servant (or son)
73C511Christ touches the bier of the son of the widow of Nain: the young man sits up - miracles of Christ
73C523the raising of Lazarus ('Lazarus, come out')
73C53raising of the daughter of Jairus - miracles of Christ
73C611the marriage-feast at Cana
73C6113Christ orders (six) jars to be filled with water - marriage-feast at Cana
73C612multiplication of loaves and fishes for a multitude of four or five thousand people - miracles of Christ
73C7111calling of Peter and Andrew
73C71112calling of Peter and Andrew: Andrew recognizes in Christ the Messiah
73C7112calling of Peter and Andrew; they are called away from their fishing-boat
73C7113calling of the apostles James and John, the sons of Zebedee
73C71141calling of Philip and Nathanael (Bartholomew): Philip follows Christ
73C71142calling of Philip and Nathanael (Bartholomew): Philip finds Nathanael under a fig-tree and brings him to Christ
73C7115calling of Matthew (Levi), the tax-collector (usually with money lying on the table and people paying taxes)
73C71242Christ gives the keys of heaven to Peter
73C713the Transfiguration: Moses and Elijah appear on either side of Christ on Mount Tabor
73C721311Christ calls a child and sets it in the midst of the apostles (disciples): 'unless you ... become like children'
73C7216Christ talking with Nicodemus at night
73C7223Christ in the house of Martha and Mary
73C72231Martha serving or preparing food in the kitchen; Mary sits at Christ's feet, listening - Christ in the house of Martha and Mary
73C72231*AMary sits at Christ's feet, listening - Christ in the house of Martha and Mary
73C72233Christ's answer to Martha who complains about Mary: 'Mary has chosen the good portion ...' - Christ in the house of Martha and Mary
73C7224Christ blessing children brought by their mothers
73C72621a woman washes Christ's feet with her tears, and wipes them with her hair
73C727Christ's sermon on the mount
73C73Christ preaching or teaching (in general)
73C7471\'I am the light of the world\' - sayings of Christ
73C7472\'I am the bread of life\' - sayings of Christ
73C7473'I am the true vine' - sayings of Christ
73C7478'Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden' - sayings of Christ
73C771beatitudes of the sermon on the mount
73C811the sower - parable of Christ
73C822the lost sheep sought and found by the shepherd - parable of the good shepherd
73C843the talents or pounds - parable of Christ
73C8433after the return of the lord the servants account for their debts and are rewarded accordingly - the talents or pounds - parable of Christ
73C861the good Samaritan
73C8611the traveller is attacked by robbers ~ parable of the good Samaritan
73C8613a Samaritan tending the wounds of the traveller - the good Samaritan
73D132Christ's feet are anointed by Mary Magdalene - meal at Bethany
73D14entry into Jerusalem: people spreading their clothes before Christ on the ass, and waving palm branches
73D24the Last Supper
73D244institution of the Eucharist, i.e. Christ showing or blessing bread (host) and/or wine
73D31Gethsemane, Mount of Olives
73D312Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, \'Oelberg\': Christ\'s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane during the night
73D314the arrest of Christ - Garden of Gethsemane
73D3141Peter draws his sword and cuts off Malchus' ear
73D322Christ before the Sanhedrin with Caiaphas as high priest, and possibly Annas - trial of Christ
73D323Christ before Pontius Pilate - trial of Christ
73D3321the crowing cock - denial of Peter
73D343death of Judas: Judas hanging himself
73D351flagellation by soldiers, Christ usually tied to a column - tortures of Christ
73D352the crowning with thorns: soldiers with sticks place a thorny crown on Christ\'s head and give him a reed
73D3532Christ is mocked by soldiers in Pilate\'s palace
73D41carrying of the cross: Christ bearing the cross, alone or with the help of others
73D411Christ collapsing - carrying of the cross
73D413Christ meets Mary, who sometimes swoons - Christ carrying the cross
73D415Christ meets Veronica, who has a cloth to wipe Christ's face - carrying of the cross
73D58the superscription: I(esus) N(azarenus) R(ex) I(udaeorum) - Christ's crucifixion
73D6the crucifixion of Christ: Christ\'s death on the cross; Golgotha
73D625*AJohn comforts Mary or leads her to his home after the crucifixion.
73D625*CWomen watching the crucifixion from a distance - the crucifixion of Christ
73D6251\'woman, behold, your son ...\' - saying of Christ on the cross
73D631the centurion confessing his belief in Christ; sometimes the soldiers do the same - the crucifixion of Christ: Christ\'s death on the cross
73D641Crucified Christ with Mary and John on either side of the cross; Holy Rood
73D642crucified Christ with Mary Magdalene, who usually weeps and embraces the cross
73D643crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene
73D644crucified Christ with Stephaton and/or Longinus
73D646Crucified Christ with other persons
73D66Christ on the cross on Golgotha (alone, without bystanders)
73D661the three crosses with the crucified, without bystanders
73D672(the skull or skeleton of) Adam at the foot of the cross of Christ - the crucifixion of Christ
73D674sun and moon in the sky at either side of the cross of Christ
73D69Joseph of Arimathaea asks Pilate for the body of Christ
73D71descent from the cross: Christ is taken down from the cross
73D714the empty cross(es) on Calvary - the Passion of Christ
73D72the mourning over the dead Christ
73D722'Pietah', 'Vesperbild', 'Marienklage': Christ, either with or without crown of thorns, mourned by Mary
73D76Christ's entombment
73D8the instruments of the Passion and the five wounded limbs
73D82(COLUMN)column (of the flagellation) - instruments of the Passion
73D82(CROWN OF THORNS)crown of thorns - instruments of the Passion
73D82(DICE)dice ~ instruments of the Passion
73D82(FLAGELLUM)flagellum ~ instruments of the Passion
73D82(NAILS)nails ~ instruments of the Passion
73D82(SEAMLESS GARMENT)seamless garment ~ instruments of the Passion
73D9Christ in the underworld, harrowing of hell, Christ in Limbo, \'descensus ad inferos\', \'Anastasis\'
73E12Christ, usually holding a banner, arises from the grave; often combined with sleeping and/or frightened soldiers
73E15the risen Christ (with wounds, but without crown of thorns), sometimes holding the cross or a banner
73E16frightened and/or sleeping soldiers at the tomb of Christ
73E21angel(s) in or at the empty tomb of Christ
73E22the holy women (the three Marys) on their way to or at the tomb, to anoint Christ's body
73E23the empty tomb: angel(s) addressing the holy women - Resurrection of Christ
73E25John, Peter and Mary Magdalene approaching the open tomb of Christ
73E251Peter and/or John make sure that the tomb of Christ is empty
73E31Mary Magdalene meets the Risen Christ; 'Noli me tangere'
73E32Christ, perhaps dressed as a pilgrim, appearing to his mother, who is usually shown praying
73E34the journey to Emmaus: two disciples (Cleopas and Peter) under way
73E343the supper at Emmaus: Christ is recognized while blessing or breaking the bread
73E36the incredulity of Thomas
73E376mission of Peter ('Pasce oves meas')
73E42the Ascension
73E427Christ ascends into heaven; apostles (and Mary) beneath
73E5Pentecost: the Holy Ghost descends upon (Mary and) the apostles, sometimes Paul and/or representatives of the nations present
73E511the high priest Jechonias is punished for trying to overturn Mary's bier: his hands stick to it - Mary's death
73E75the entombment of Mary
73E751the funeral procession - Mary's death
73E77the assumption of Mary (\'assumptio corporis\'): she is borne into heaven by angels
73E792coronation of Mary by Christ
73F21261works of charity of Tabitha: she makes clothes for the poor
73F2131Cornelius the Centurion and the angel
73F2135Peter in the house of Cornelius: the Holy Ghost descends upon Cornelius and his family, who are baptized by Peter
73F2144the angel leads Peter past the sleeping guards - Peter persecuted in Jerusalem
73F2212on the way to Damascus Christ appears to Saul, who falls from his horse and is blinded by the light - the conversion of Paul
73F2215Ananias restores Saul's sight by laying on hands
73F222disciples let Paul down the wall of the city in a basket
73F22335Paul in Athens: on the Areopagus he discusses with philosophers (in front of the temple of Mars)
73F223361Paul in the workshop of Aquila and Priscilla, who may be shown weaving and spinning
73F223722the shipwreck on the coast of Malta (Melita) - Paul's journey to Rome
73F223731Paul healing other sick people on Malta
73F2237422Paul in prison visited by Luke - missionary journeys of Paul
73F22382Paul preaching or disputing
73F232life and acts of John the Evangelist - John preaching
73F2432on the way to his execution James converts Josias, a constable - life and acts of James the Great (the Elder)
73F2634Philip baptizes the Eunuch
73F3142martyrdom and death of James \'the Less\' or \'Adelphotheos\': James is stoned, or beaten to death (with a fuller\'s club)
73F352Stephen giving alms
73F3563the stoning of Stephen; the witnesses lay down their clothes at Saul's feet
73F4epistles of the apostles
73F414*AThe Good Soldier of Christ or Christian Warrior, often denoted by the Red Cross, with the Armour of God.
73F421*APaul instructing Timothy - epistles of Paul to Timothy
73F44epistle of James
73F47epistle of Jude
73G11John (writing) on the island of Patmos, possibly the eagle beside him
73G13John's letters to the seven churches
73G22the vision of the Lamb and the book with the seven seals
73G3*Athe angel with the golden censer - Revelation 6-11
73G31the opening of the seven seals - Revelation of John
73G311the four horsemen of the Apocalypse
73G33*Athe four winds
73G34the mighty angel with the little open book in his hands: he is wrapped in a cloud; his legs are pillars of fire, which stand one on land and one in the sea - Apocalypse
73G412Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon and his followers; the dragon (Devil, Satan) is cast out of heaven
73G44adoration of the Lamb on Mount Sion by the 144-thousand - Apocalypse
73G531the horseman whose name was Faithful and True (Christ) with his heavenly army
73G532the battle between the beast (Antichrist), the false prophet, and the horseman with his army
82A(ARTHUR)King Arthur
82A(DANTE)Dante, author of the Divine Comedy
82A(GALAHAD)*AGalahad's vision of the grail
92F28(ROD OF AESCULAPIUS)rod or staff of Aesculapius
98B(ARISTOTLE)Aristotle, Greek philosopher
98B(HOMER)Homer, Greek poet