Alfred L. Wilkinson (1899-1983)

Stained glass designer. The son of Horace Wilkinson, also an artist working in stained glass, he trained at St Martin's School of Art in London before working with his father from 1920 until 1939 in London. Alfred Wilkinson was subsequently based at several addresses in London, Hertfordshire and Essex, and also designed for G. King & Son of Norwich. He served as Honorary Seceretary of the British Society of Master Glass Painters in the 1950s.

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Your search found 4 results
  St David and St Cynwyl St David and St Cynwyl
artist: Alfred L. Wilkinson
Church of St Cynwyl, Aberporth, Ceredigion
south wall of the sanctuary
  St James and St John St James and St John
artist: Alfred L. Wilkinson
Church of St James, Pyle, Bridgend
south wall of the sanctuary
  Christ with the Archangels Gabriel and Michael Christ with the Archangels Gabriel and Michael
firm/studio: Alfred L. Wilkinson
Church of All Saints, Llandaff North, Cardiff
east wall of the chancel (window number: I)
  St Non and St Padarn St Non and St Padarn
artist: Alfred L. Wilkinson
Church of St Pedrog, Y Ferwig, Ceredigion
north wall of the nave (window number: nIV)
Further reading

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 129.

User contributed comments

My great aunt has recorded "While in London Dorothy and I met Alfred Wilkinson and saw his Design Studio and also the workshop of stained glass. Later, we visited an old church in Billingsgate "St. Magnus The Martyr" in which some of the windows from Alfred's works had newly replaced windows damaged in the war. They were circular and depicted a working man's trade - or union such as carpenter and cooper."

Also I have a scanned copy of a Christmas card sent by A.J.C. Gormley, Chariman and... Show full comment

Submitted by: Sue Clayton (2016-07-25 22:42:00)
Editor's response: thanks for this detail on A.L. Wilkinson. To clarify, the Nativity window at St Stephen's in Norwich was made by Wilkinson, see

The windows in the church of St Magnus the Martyr, Lower Thames Street in the City of London show the arms of the Worshipful Companies of Fishmongers, Plumbers and Coopers together with those of William Wand when Bishop of London and Geoffrey Fisher when Archbishop of Canterbury as well as the badge of the Fraternity of Our Lady de Salve Regina.
Submitted by: Michael Cooper (2017-09-30 22:31:24)

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