John Oldrid Scott

Architect, second son of George Gilbert Scott.

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Sites associated with this person
  as architect: St Davids Cathedral, St Davids , Pembrokeshire
  as architect: Bangor Cathedral, Bangor , Gwynedd
  as architect: Church of St Cyngar, Hope , Flintshire
  as architect: Church of St Peter, Pwllheli , Gwynedd
  as architect: Church of St Mary, Nercwys , Flintshire

Your search found 2 results
  Christ in Majesty with Saints and Angels Christ in Majesty with Saints and Angels
designer: John Oldrid Scott
Bangor Cathedral, Bangor, Gwynedd
east wall of the presbytery
  Virgin and Child Virgin and Child
designer: John Oldrid Scott
about 1901
St Davids Cathedral, St Davids, Pembrokeshire
Lady Chapel exterior gable

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