Cox & Son (about 1853-1921)

Ecclesiastical furnishers. Originally a clerical tailoring firm, founded by Thomas Cox Senior (died 1873), the firm was making stained glass by about 1860, based in London. Thomas Cox was joined by his sons Edward Young Cox and Thomas Cox (Junior), and Michael J. Buckley joined the firm in 1881. The firm was taken over by Curtis, Ward & Hughes in 1893, but continued to sign windows with the name of the firm.

Description on Mapping Sculpture.

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Your search found 3 results
  The Four Evangelists The Four Evangelists
firm/studio: Cox & Son
probably 1850s or 1860s with panels in the tracery of probably the eighteenth century
Church of St Basil, Bassaleg, Newport
east wall of the chancel (window number: I)
  St Michael Overcoming Satan    from    Archangels Slaying Dragons St Michael Overcoming Satan
from Archangels Slaying Dragons

firm/studio: Cox & Co.
designer: Edwyn Papendiek Vulliamy
Church of All Saints, Glasbury, Powys
west wall of nave
  Jacob's Dream Jacob's Dream
firm/studio: Cox, Son, Buckley & Co.
Church of All Saints, Glasbury, Powys
north wall of the nave
Further reading

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 34.

User contributed comments

Thomas Cox founded a business as clerical tailors in 1838, trading as Cox & Son, church furnishers from c.1853 and generally as Cox & Sons after 1868. The business was located in Southampton St, Strand, London, a centre for the church furnishing trade, with stained glass works adjoining in Maiden Lane. It contributed to several international exhibitions and published a variety of illustrated trade catalogues.

Cox first appears as a glass stainer in 1862, about the same time that he also... Show full comment

Submitted by: Rona Moody (2015-01-23 15:58:39)
Editor's response: Many thanks for all this detailed information. One thing that puzzles me about the firm is that, in the few windows that I have seen by the firm, their windows have a similarity with those of T.F. Curtis, Ward & Hughes for a few years prior to its merger in 1893. I wondered whether they may have had links such as a glass painter who worked at both firms.

There are some super windows by Cox and Buckley in Coxwold church, N. Yorkshire. Some show signs of being influenced or even designed by C.E.Kempe, especially in the use of peacock feathers! Photos can be supplied if you are interested.
Submitted by: Martin Gorman (2016-07-14 10:01:55)

The church of St Michael & All Angels,Booton, in the middle of Norfolk, has a complete set of beautiful Cox, Sons, Buckley & Co windows inserted c 1880-1890 (see Birkin Haward's excellent book 'Nineteenth Century Norfolk Stained Glass' of 1984, now out of print).
The Rev Whitwell Elwin, who was rector there for 50 years, dying on 1.1.1900 aged 83, rebuilt most of the church, using ideas from many different places and creating a church like no other in Norfolk! Lutyens called it 'very naughtly but in the right spirit' (see Mortlock & Robert's 'Guide to Norfolk Churches' of 2007).
Submitted by: Mrs Pat Bray (2017-11-25 16:03:08)

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