Sir George Gilbert Scott (1811–1878)
Quintessential Victorian Gothic Revival architect responsible for the building and renovation of many churches and cathedrals. Among his most famous works are the Albert Memorial and St Pancras Station in London.
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as architect: St Davids Cathedral, St Davids , Pembrokeshire
as architect: Church of St Cybi, Holyhead , Anglesey
as architect: Bangor Cathedral, Bangor , Gwynedd
as architect: Church of St Deiniol, Hawarden , Flintshire
as architect: Church of St Curig, Llangurig , Powys
as architect: Cathedral Church of St John Evangelist, Brecon , Powys
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Further reading
Basil F. L. Clarke, Church Builders of the Nineteenth Century: A Study of the Gothic Revival in England (Newton Abbott: David & Charles, 1969), pp. 160-72.
Gavin Stamp, Gothic for the Steam Age: An Illustrated Biography of George Gilbert (London: Aurum, 2015).
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