Nathaniel Hubert John Westlake (1833-1921)

Artist, designer and art historian, influenced by the Pre-Raphaelite Movement and the Gothic Revival. Brother of Philip Westlake and partner, then sole proprietor, of Lavers, Barraud and Westlake.

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Your search found 1 result
  St Barnabas, St Edward the Confessor and St Mary Magdalene of Florence St Barnabas, St Edward the Confessor and St Mary Magdalene of Florence
firm/studio: Lavers, Westlake and Co.
designer: Nathaniel Hubert John Westlake
Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swansea
west wall
Further reading

William Waters, Angels & Icons: Pre-Raphaelite Stained Glass 1850–1870 (Abbots Morton: Serapim Press, 2012), pp. 147–60 and further references.

Margaret Westlake, 'N. H. J. Westlake FSA' Journal of the British Society of Master Glass-Painters, vol. iii, no. 2 (1929), 59–65.

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 77.

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