Moira Doggett (1927-)

Religious painter and iconographer. Born in Edmundstown, Rhondda and educated at Tonypandy Grammar School. She qualified as a nurse and midwife and worked in Wales, London and Manchester. Doggett began painting at age of 26, studying through evening classes at Rhondda Technical Institute and All Saints College of Art, Manchester. Brought up as a Methodist, she converted in 1976 to Roman Catholicism. She retired back to Wales at the age of 50 and later to Ely, Cambridgeshire, living the contemplative life of a solitary.

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Your search found 4 results
  St Paul St Paul
artist: Moira Doggett
about 1988
Private Collection
 Seat of Wisdom Seat of Wisdom
artist: Moira Doggett
about 1988
Private Collection
 Mary and the Child Jesus Mary and the Child Jesus
artist: Moira Doggett
about 1991
Private Collection
 St Luke the Evangelist St Luke the Evangelist
artist: Moira Doggett
about 1991
Private Collection

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