Ernest Penwarden

Designed stained glass for James Powell & Sons over a long period from the 1890s until the 1930s, working in the style established by Henry Holiday.

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Your search found 5 results
  St David and St George St David and St George
firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: Ernest Penwarden
designer: Read
about 1921
Cathedral Church of St John Evangelist, Brecon, Powys
north wall of the north transept chapel (Harvard Chapel)
  St Andrew and St Patrick St Andrew and St Patrick
firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: Ernest Penwarden
designer: Read
about 1921
Cathedral Church of St John Evangelist, Brecon, Powys
north wall of the north transept chapel (Harvard Chapel)
  St Cecilia and Faith St Cecilia and Faith
firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: Ernest Penwarden
about 1923
Church of St James, Manorbier, Pembrokeshire
north wall of the north aisle
  The Annunciation and the Entombment The Annunciation and the Entombment
firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: Ernest Penwarden
designer: Read
Cathedral Church of St John Evangelist, Brecon, Powys
east wall of the north transept chapel (Harvard Chapel)
  St Agnes St Agnes
firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: Ernest Penwarden
about 1925
Church of St James, Manorbier, Pembrokeshire
north wall of the sanctuary

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