E. Liddall Armitage (1887-1967)

Stained glass designer and artist. Edward Liddall Armitage worked as an assistant and glass painter for Karl Parsons from 1920-24, and then for Henry Holiday in the last years of his life. Armitage established himself in North Kensington, London, and his windows were made at Lowndes & Drury's Glass House in Fulham. He also formed a partnership with Victor Drury (1899-1988) in the 1920s. From about 1940 E.L. Armitage worked as a designer for Powell & Sons (Whitefriars).

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Your search found 4 results
  Virgin and Child with Christ the Good Shepherd Virgin and Child with Christ the Good Shepherd
artist: E. Liddall Armitage
about 1948
Church of St Brynach, Nevern, Pembrokeshire
north wall of the chancel
  Windows in the North and East of the Chancel    from    Figures from the Old and New Testaments Windows in the North and East of the Chancel
from Figures from the Old and New Testaments

firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: E. Liddall Armitage
about 1958-1959
Church of St Mary, Swansea
  Christ with the Four Evangelists Christ with the Four Evangelists
firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: E. Liddall Armitage
about 1959
Church of St Mary, Swansea
east wall of the chancel
  Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary
firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: E. Liddall Armitage
designer: Marjorie Walters
Church of St Mary, Swansea
north wall of the Lady Chapel
Further reading

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 4.

Alan Brooks and Peter Cormack, 'The Artists of the Glass House' The Journal of Stained Glass, vol. xli (2017), 15.


Dennis Hadley and Joan Hadley, 'Henry Holiday, 1839–1927' The Journal of Stained Glass, vol. xix, no. 1 (1989–90), 53, 67.

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