R. J. Withers (1824–94)

Ecclesiastical architect. Robert Jewell Withers was born in Somerset and initially articled to the architect Thomas Hellyer on the Isle of Wight in 1839. He established his own practice at Sherborne in 1846 before moving to London in 1850, working initially with his brother, Frederick Clark Withers. He joined the Cambridge Camden Society in 1844 and remained true to the principles of the Ecclesiologists. Withers was responsible for numerous churches in west Wales.

For more information and a list of his churches see the Biographical Dictionary of the Architects of Greater Manchester.

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Sites associated with this person
  as architect: Church of St Peter, Lampeter , Ceredigion
  as architect: Church of St Llwchaiarn, Llanllwchaiarn , Powys
  as architect: Church of St Sulien, Silian , Ceredigion
  as architect: Church of St David, Llanddewi-Brefi , Ceredigion
  as architect: Church of St Brynach, Nevern , Pembrokeshire
  as architect: Church of St Cynwyl, Aberporth , Ceredigion
  as architect: Church of St David, Henfynyw , Ceredigion
  as architect: Church of St David, Blaenporth , Ceredigion

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Further reading

Edmund Harris, Quality in Obscurity: the surprising career of R.J. Withers (2020).

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