Michael C. Farrar Bell (1911–1993)

Artist and stained glass designer. Michael Charles Farrar Bell was a descendent of Alfred Bell, and ran Clayton & Bell from 1950.

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Your search found 1 result
  St Francis and a Woman with Children St Francis and a Woman with Children
firm/studio: Clayton & Bell
artist: Michael C. Farrar Bell
Church of St Andoenus, Mounton, Monmouthshire
north wall of the nave
Further reading

'Obituary: Michael Farrar Bell (1911–1993)' The Journal of Stained Glass, vol. xix, no. 2 (1991–3), 244–5.

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 13.

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