Paul Quail (1927/8-2010)

Stained glass artist. Paul Quail studied at Chelsea School of Art and was then apprenticed to the stained-glass studios of Lowndes and Drury, Francis Spear and J.E. Nuttgens. He was a fellow of the British Society of Master Glass Painters and a member of the Society of Catholic Artists. In 1981 he established a studio in Norfolk with his second wife Jane Quail.


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Your search found 1 result
  St Madog St Madog
artist: Paul Quail
Church of St Madog, Haroldston West, Pembrokeshire
south wall of the chancel
Further reading

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 102.

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