Henry Casolani (1817–1885)

Artist and designer. Enrico (Henry) Casolani was born in Malta and became a pupil of the Nazarene painter Johann Friedrich Overbeck. He emigrated to England in 1847 and worked briefly as a cartoonist for A.W.N. Pugin. He designed windows for James Powell & Sons from 1861 until around 1873.

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image not available The Four Evangelists
firm/studio: James Powell & Sons
designer: Henry Casolani
designer: Edward Poynter
Church of St Silin, Llansilin, Powys
east wall of the south chancel (window number: I)
Further reading

William Waters, Angels & Icons: Pre-Raphaelite Stained Glass 1850–1870 (Abbots Morton: Serapim Press, 2012), pp. 258–9.

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