Molly Kettlewell (1914-1999)

Stained glass artist. Molly Fitch trained at the Central School of Art in the late 1950s. She worked with her husband Jasper Kettlewell (1905-1977) at studios in Hertfordshire, Kent and Somerset. After Jasper's death she was assisted by Norah Brown.

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Signatures and maker's marks
  Signature    from    St Barnabas Signature
from St Barnabas

Church of St Asaph and St Cyndeyrn, Llanasa, Flintshire
north wall of the north nave chancel
Further reading

Sally Jackson and Keith Hill, 'Jasper Kettlewell FMGP (1905-1977) and Molly Kettlewell (1914-1999)' The Journal of Stained Glass, vol. xxv (2001), 196.

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 74.

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